Customer ratings for Tank Raised Ocellaris Clownfish

Tank Raised Ocellaris Clownfish

Tank Raised Ocellaris Clownfish

Number of ratings: 2
Average rating: 5


from on 06/11/2019

I was a little concerned about having fish shipped from Florida to Texas but after reading about shipping experience & packaging I decided to go ahead & order 2 clownfish. They were received healthy & happy and I could not have been more pleased! I carefully acclimated them to their new home by removing most of the shipping water & using the drip method. Its been a few weeks & they are currently swimming happily in a 65g aquarium. They are just like little happy puppy dogs - so eager to see you they never fail to bring a smile to your face.

5 stars

from on 04/20/2020

Ordered just one little clown. I live in SC and was nervous on the shipping but the clown arrived healthy and happy. Currently paired up with my previous clown and it is thriving in my 55 gallon reef. 10/10!!!
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