The Fire Clownfish is a member of the Tomato Complex. Although juveniles have white lines on their heads, the adults completely lack a head bar. As they mature these fish will develop a dark saddle on each side of the body. Fire Clownfish are bold fish that rarely tolerate others invading their home territory or anemone. They are extremely hardy and reach a maximum size of around 4 inches when full grown. This species is found in the Indian Ocean and their nest size can range from 300 – 500 eggs. |
The Tomato Clown is a tank raised fish. This makes it much hardier and able to adapt well to aquarium life. It is just over an inch long and eats very well. It enjoys Hikari marine 'S' pellets as well as flake foods. Enjoy adding this great fish to your aquarium. |
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The Clarkii Clownfish is a highly popular aquarium species. They are sometimes sold under the name of “Sebae Clownfish”, which is actually the species name of a very different clownfish. Full grown Clarkii Clownfish can reach a size of about 4 inches, and are territorial when full grown. This is a species easily cared for in aquariums and will accept a wide variety of foods. Most clownfish eat some algae in nature, and this should be included in their diet. Clarkii Clownfish are the most widely distributed anemonefish in the world, and show a large range of color variation. They occur from the Caroline Islands in the east, west to the Persian Gulf, north to Southern Japan and south to the New Hebrides. We grow two varieties of Clarkii clowns at ORA. One of the varieties originates from the Solomon Islands, and fish from this lineage develop dark black flanks that contrast their bright yellow fins. Clarkii are one of the least restrictive species when it comes to host anemones, and will associate with a variety of them. Clarkii regularly produce nests of over 1,000 eggs, as often as 3 times per month. Their eggs hatch in 7 to 9 days. It typically takes 4 months for a Clarkii clownfish to grow to a seller-sized individual. |
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The Midnight Clownfish is a Black Ocellaris clownfish with no stripes. This gorgeous natural mutation was discovered in ORA’s grow-out systems and was selectively bred over the past several years. These fish are quite rare, only a handful are found in every spawn. Just as with the natural Black Ocellaris, the Midnights start out life with an orange color that turns black as they age. Some of them morph into completely black adults and others retain a bit of orange on their face. |
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ORA Premium Snowflakes are an especially striking form of A. ocellaris. They have an impressive amount of irregular white markings on the body. The edges of the white coloration will typically be jagged and angular. These elegant fish are carefully selected by our experienced graders and are available in extremely limited quantities. Just as their name implies – no two are alike. Often, as they mature, the edges of their white markings will develop a delicate baby blue hue worthy of their elite status. This popular clownfish was originally produced by Tropical Marine Centre in the UK around 1999. At that time it was considered an undesirable trait. TMC had two, completely normal looking pairs of Ocellaris that produced two or three snowflakes once every couple of spawns. These pairs are still alive and reproducing today but they no longer produce Snowflakes. Only around 100 of these fish were ever exported to the United States making F1 Broodstock direct from TMC extremely rare. ORA obtained it’s first pair of F1 Snowflakes in 2005 and we have been working on developing a hardier and more colorful strain of this glorious clownfish ever since. |
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Onyx are Amphiprion percula that exhibit more than normal black coloration. |
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