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Customer ratings for 6 Micro Starfish

6 Micro Starfish

These little guys are very good detritous feeders. They will hide in crevices in rocks or bury slightly beneath the sand by day, and venture out by night to forage. They have been known to reproduce easily in aquariums. They will definitely eat stuff where nothing else can get to. Another GREAT price from FloridaPets!

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Number of ratings: 2
Average rating: 5
Very Great Purchase
from Ross on 04/05/2020
These micro stars are a fantastic purchase for a reef tank or refugium. There are a variety of species and they are shipped on chaeto algae to insure safe delivery. I received six or more larger ones and many tiny ones as well. A great and affordable purchase for a cleanup crew!
Doing Great
from Anonymous on 09/19/2016
I ordered a half dozen of these, and seen them go in all alive and well. But they are great hiders, I've seen one poking out of a hole in my rocks. They're quite small, but I'm sure they're all doing good, I'll have to keep an eye out when the lights turn off.

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