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Banded Pipefish

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Similar to other seahorses and pipefishes, the male banded pipefish is equipped with a specialised brood pouch, rather than the female. The female deposits her eggs in the male's pouch, where they develop. The male later gives birth.

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Banggai Cardinal

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The Banggai cardinalfish is a tropical marine fish that forms stable groups of about 9 individuals in shallow water, being most common at 1.5 to 2.5 m in depth. It inhabits a variety of shallow habitats, including coral reefs, seagrass beds, and open areas of sand and rubble.It occurs among various living benthic substrates such as sea urchins, sea anemones, and branching corals; young fish are most commonly associated with sea anemones, while juveniles and adults occur most frequently among long-spined sea urchins and branching corals, as well as sea stars, hydrozoans, and mangrove prop roots.This fish is an opportunistic feeder. Its diet includes planktonic, demersal, and benthic organisms. Copepods constitute the bulk of its diet.

This species grows up to 3 in. total length.


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Tank Raised Saddle Back Clown Tank Raised Saddle Back Clown
Royal Gramma Royal Gramma
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Black Ocellaris Extreme Misbar Clownfish

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 The unique Extreme Misbar Black Ocellaris has a lot less white than a Misbar Black. Some only have cheek dots and a saddle, others just a headbar or a chinstrap. These are some awesome one-of-a-kind clowns. They are by far the most difficult to produce as very few have these minimal white patterns. Each fish is selectively chosen to qualify as an Extreme Misbar, and availability is normally limited. This results in a very desirable and rare clownfish morph that would become the pride of any aquarium. 

Compatibility: Usually ignores reef invertebrates and corals. Clownfishes sometimes adopt various corals and algae as substitutes for host anemones. Food: These specimens have been weaned to take aquarium pellets and flakes. Freshly frozen invertebrates such as ocean plankton, Mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, and chopped squid will be readily accepted.


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Clarkii Clown Clarkii Clown
Tank Raised Saddle Back Clown Tank Raised Saddle Back Clown
Tank Raised Tomato Clown Tank Raised Tomato Clown
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Black Ocellaris Clownfish

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The Black Ocellaris is a stunning color morph of A. ocellaris that is sometimes referred to as the Darwin Ocellaris or the Darwin False Percula. This is a naturally occurring variation for the species with a very limited range. It is naturally found in the Darwin area of Northern Australia. These fish are rarely, if ever imported from the wild so captive bred specimens make up nearly the entire market. Black Ocellaris begin life orange colored and switch to black as they mature. The ones we offer are generally all black but may have a splash of orange on the face. All orange color disappears as they age resulting in the only solid black and white clownfish found in nature. Scientists have considered describing the Black Ocellaris as a new species, but for now they are still considered a variation of the A. ocellaris species.


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Extreme Misbar Ocellaris Clownfish Extreme Misbar Ocellaris Clownfish
Tank Raised Ocellaris Clownfish Tank Raised Ocellaris Clownfish
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Clarkii Clown

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The Clarkii Clownfish is a highly popular aquarium species. They are sometimes sold under the name of “Sebae Clownfish”, which is actually the species name of a very different clownfish. Full grown Clarkii Clownfish can reach a size of about 4 inches, and are territorial when full grown. This is a species easily cared for in aquariums and will accept a wide variety of foods. Most clownfish eat some algae in nature, and this should be included in their diet. Clarkii Clownfish are the most widely distributed anemonefish in the world, and show a large range of color variation. They occur from the Caroline Islands in the east, west to the Persian Gulf, north to Southern Japan and south to the New Hebrides. We grow two varieties of Clarkii clowns at ORA. One of the varieties originates from the Solomon Islands, and fish from this lineage develop dark black flanks that contrast their bright yellow fins. Clarkii are one of the least restrictive species when it comes to host anemones, and will associate with a variety of them. Clarkii regularly produce nests of over 1,000 eggs, as often as 3 times per month. Their eggs hatch in 7 to 9 days. It typically takes 4 months for a Clarkii clownfish to grow to a seller-sized individual.


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Wyoming White Ocellaris Clown Wyoming White Ocellaris Clown
White Stripe Maroon Clown White Stripe Maroon Clown
Tank Raised Tomato Clown Tank Raised Tomato Clown
Tank Raised Saddle Back Clown Tank Raised Saddle Back Clown
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Clingfish Goby

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Clingfishes are typically small fish, with most species less than 2.8 in. in length. They have tapering bodies with single dorsal fins, and flattened heads. In most species, their pelvic fins are modified into a sucking disc. They have a cryptic colouration, and in some cases can rapidly change colour to match their background. These awesome little fish are peaceful and reef safe. They are very fun to watch and they are eating all types of prepared foods.

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Powder Blue Tang

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The powder blue tang, like most fish in the family Acanthuridae family, is herbivorous, eating mostly benthic algae.[6] Acanthurus leucosternon has a diurnal activity. It is solitary, territorial and aggressive with other surgeonfish.The fish can reach an average size of 23 cm (9 in) in length.[1] The body has an oval shape and is compressed laterally. Like other surgeonfishes, Acanthurus leucosternon swims with its pectoral fins. The caudal fin has a crescent shape. The fish has a "surgeon's scalpel," an erected part of the spine located at the base of the tail.[2] The mouth is small and pointed in a beak-like manner with tiny and sharp teeth for reaching narrow spaces of food. They are reef safe and are compatible with most species except other species of fish in the genus Acanthurus.

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Royal Gramma

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The royal gramma is relatively small, averaging slightly over 8 cm (3 inches) and has been tank bred. Due to their relatively peaceful nature, diet, and small size, the royal gramma is considered an ideal inhabitant for most reef aquaria containing coral and other invertebrates. They are often kept in reef aquaria and are generally kept singly or in pairs. However, small groups can be kept as long as the tank is large enough and has enough cracks and crevices for each fish to have its own territory. They are, however, resistant to most diseases and make very good beginner fish. It will also accept frozen and meaty foods, such as brine shrimp and mysis shrimp in the wild. The royal gramma is very easy to feed; but rotating their foods is said to keep them from becoming picky. Captive royal gramma will also eat flake and pellet foods. 

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Fire Clown Fish

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The Fire Clownfish is a member of the Tomato Complex. Although juveniles have white lines on their heads, the adults completely lack a head bar. As they mature these fish will develop a dark saddle on each side of the body. Fire Clownfish are bold fish that rarely tolerate others invading their home territory or anemone. They are extremely hardy and reach a maximum size of around 4 inches when full grown. This species is found in the Indian Ocean and their nest size can range from 300 – 500 eggs.


Product Note Status Price
Tank Raised Tomato Clown Tank Raised Tomato Clown
Clarkii Clown Clarkii Clown
Midnight Ocellaris Clown Midnight Ocellaris Clown
Premium Snowflake Ocellaris Clownfish Premium Snowflake Ocellaris Clownfish
Onyx Percula Clown Onyx Percula Clown
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Fire Fish Goby

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Nemateleotris magnifica, the fire goby, fire fish, fire dartfish, or red fire goby is a species of dartfish native to the Indian and Pacific oceans from the eastern coast of Africa to the Hawaiian Islands and from the Austral Islands north to the Ryukyu Islands.


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